Agency: Fake Love
Role: Geo Enabled AR Development, UX & App Release
Location: iOS/Android release 2016
Tech/Dev: Unity3D, C#, Z-brush, iOS/Android


IBM wanted to celebrated the unsung heroes of the STEM community for the launch of the film, Hidden Figures. To help do this we created 10 highly detailed statues of 10 characters who’s achievements have been overlooked due to their race, gender or sexual orientation. THEN, we let users place them throughout the world where they belong.

The Outthink Hidden AR experience launched of The New York Times’ AR app and set stage for the entire NYT AR platform.

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The AR app not only put these statues in the public eye but focused on telling the story of each of these character. Users could listen to podcasts about each characters work, life and struggle while they interacted with the AR models. Images, videos, formulas and equations fed into a full content library and let users digest the entirety of these larger than life figures.

The project kicked off with a full page New York Times ad and brought each characters into homes around the world.
