
Agency: Fake Love
Role: System Architecture & UX
Location: MWC 2017, Samsung Global Zones 2016
Tech/Dev: Cinder, GLSL, C++, Android, Java


Client Request: Samsung wanted experiential installation for their new Galaxy s8 with IP56.

Agency Solve: We created liquid canvas and portrait pool where user takes a selfie and place it underwater to reveal different types of portrait.

Creative Tech Solve: We Created 4 different shaders to represent liquids and made it interactive to movement of the phone under water.

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Users created self portraits using nothing but the S8 and a pool of water. Each users could select from four different mediums, ink, oil, film or dye and dip the phone in water to start painting. Once submerged, each ripple and wave of water became a generative paint stroke.

Oh, this action underwater was really night mare though. Wifi signal became janky and unreliable. I glue gunned micro usb to the phone to debug under water. Well, that was fun( not at the time lol ).

This was supposed to be one week installation at Singapore with my supervision, but it became global activation over 30 places. Components like installing and maintaining whole structure weren’t fully considered. After this project I started(at least tried) to make all system auto fault detecting so it can restart everything and be working.

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